Lincoln County Home Educators LCHE Lincoln County Home Educators LCHE Lincoln County Home Educators LCHE Lincoln County Home Educators LCHE Lincoln County Home Educators LCHE Lincoln County Home Educators LCHE

LCHE Teen Guidelines

The LCHE Teen Group functions under the auspices of LCHE. The LCHE Teen committee, made up of LCHE parent members, will plan the teen activities. The activities will include opportunities for fellowship, education, and service. All those who participate in the LCHE Teen Group must agree not only to abide by the LCHE Bylaws, but also agree to abide by the LCHE Teen Group guidelines. The guidelines are intended to provide parameters that will help activities run smoothly. Several Christian principles were considered: 1) to pursue peace and the building up of one another (Romans 14:19), 2) not to be a stumbling block to others (Romans 14:13), and 3) to respect authority (Romans 13:1).

  1. The LCHE Teen Group is open to families who are members of LCHE. Participation is open to youth in 7th – 12th grades and who are 12 years old by 8/31/24. However, enrollment in the Teen Group will close at 125 participants or by January 31st, whichever comes first.
  2. To help distribute responsibilities and to provide a safe environment for Friday fellowships, a minimum of  3 LCHE teen parents (in addition to the host parent) will be required to chaperon. Parents are welcome to attend any or all fellowships, however, at least one parent from each family must chaperon a minimum of one fellowship per school year. If a conflict arises after signing up to chaperon, it will be your responsibility to find a replacement and to notify the fellowship hostess. **Please note: Chaperoning a teen event is not considered an LCHE service. It is an additional requirement for your teen’s participation in the LCHE Teen Group.
  3. Parents may also be asked to assist by:
        a) driving to a teen event
        b) hosting a Friday fellowship
        c) providing food for some events.
  4. All participants must be members of the LCHE Teen Group to attend any events.  Because of space constraints, siblings (younger or older) are not to attend teen events. An exception to this would be the siblings of the teen host family for a Friday fellowship in their home.
  5. For safety reasons, teens are not allowed to drive other teens on any planned trips or events. All drivers for field trips must be parents/teachers of the teens. This excludes transportation arrangements to fellowships and designated meeting places for field trips/ service activities.
  6. It is expected that proper respect will be displayed at all times for:
         a) those in authority, including other parents
         b) all posted and otherwise disclosed rules of premises
         c) personal property.
  7. It is expected that there will be no profanity, harassing behavior, smoking, alcohol, drugs, or possession of weapons (including pocket knives) at any LCHE teen activity.
  8. Inappropriate displays of affection are not acceptable.
  9. It is expected that modest and appropriate attire will be worn. On LCHE Teen Group activities (including Friday fellowships), all teens (male and female) are to wear shirts/blouses in which shoulders, back, chest, and mid-drift are covered. No tank tops or spaghetti straps, please.
  10. To deter any division within the LCHE teen group, it is asked that music not be played during Friday fellowships. For all other events under LCHE, music/entertainment should be approved at least one month in advance by the LCHE Teen Committee.  
  11. The course of action for breeches of conduct/guidelines will be determined by the Teen Committee according to the severity of the offense. If warranted, course of action will be determined by the LCHE Board.