Lincoln County Home Educators LCHE Lincoln County Home Educators LCHE Lincoln County Home Educators LCHE Lincoln County Home Educators LCHE Lincoln County Home Educators LCHE Lincoln County Home Educators LCHE

LCHE Graduation Guidelines

1. LCHE Graduation is sponsored by LCHE but planned and partially financed by the parents of the graduating seniors. LCHE provides $200.00 toward the honorariums and provides flowers for the mothers of the graduates. The Graduation Committee is comprised of the parent(s) of each graduate, with each family having one vote. Please read through the Participation Guildlines and Requirements below. 

2. LCHE Graduation Framework

A. Service will take place in Lincoln County. The Graduation Committee will decide on the church for the ceremony.

B. Unless there is a scheduling conflict, the ceremony will be held on the third Saturday in May at 2:00 pm.

C. The graduation ceremony will be a Christ-honoring service, reflecting the importance of this accomplishment. The service, music, and the speaker will acknowledge the Christian student's high calling in ways that honor and glorify God.

D. The graduation committee will vote to select one of the two orders-of-service that have been used in recent years.

E. All graduates will be recognized equally; special honors will be recognized privately.

F. Due to the formal nature of the event, graduates will wear solid black caps and gowns with no additional decorations and minimal jewelry. The color of the tassels and the diploma covers will be each graduate's choice.

G. Attire for the graduates will be as follows:
Boys – White shirt, tie (color of choice), and dress pants. No tennis shoes.
Girls - Dress and dress shoes.

H. There will be 2 or 4 Junior Marshals chosen for the ceremony. Nominations need to be based on active participation in the LCHE Teen Group and other LCHE activities.

I. Attire for the Junior Marshals will be as follows: Boys – White shirt with tie and black slacks. No tennis shoes. Girls - Dress with sleeves (knee length or longer), and dress shoes.

J. An LCHE sponsored graduation will be limited to a ceremony only. This allows each family the freedom to participate without additional financial requirements. However, interested participants may still organize an after-graduation party. But, it will be considered an independent function and not a part of the LCHE graduation.

K. Should a conflict arise and a consensus cannot be reached, the LCHE Board will make a final decision, excluding any Board member who has a graduate.

3. Requirements of Graduation participants:

A. Sign and turn in the Graduation Commitment Form by October 31.

B. To fulfill assignments agreed upon by the Graduation Committee.

C. To meet all deadlines (dates, money, information, etc.) set by the Graduation Committee, and

D. To divide costs based on the number of graduates (not per family).

E. The family has been a member of LCHE for at least two of the graduate's high school years