Lincoln County Home Educators LCHE Lincoln County Home Educators LCHE Lincoln County Home Educators LCHE Lincoln County Home Educators LCHE Lincoln County Home Educators LCHE Lincoln County Home Educators LCHE

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Homeschooling - Getting Started

So you’ve made the decision to homeschool your children!

Now what?

Don't worry!  Hundreds of families have traveled this road before you and have left a wealth of information for you to learn from.  Here’s some helpful information to get you started:

1. Read, Read, Read!

There is so much information in the library as well as online.

2. Talk to parents that are currently homeschooling

There are many homeschool support families in LCHE, where parents can get ideas, share knowledge and curriculum. It's a good idea to visit a support group to find the one that best fits the needs of your family. LCHE typically meets weekly for recreation outings. Contact an LCHE leader to plan on coming out and meeting some of our members. Get connected and stay connected! It’s the best way to get all the information you’ll need.

3. Know the North Carolina law

Homeschooling is legal in all 50 states but laws vary from state to state. Visit for info on NC Homeschool Laws.

4. Choose a teaching method and/or curriculum.

There are so many options available; this can be an overwhelming task! Don’t let it be! We encourage you to get connected with a support system FIRST and use those families that are already homeschooling as your springboard to researching methods and curriculums. From daily lessons prepared for you to designing your own curriculum, there’s something out there for everyone! Talking to other homeschooling parents is a great way to find out what each curriculum is like. Many catalogs offer reviews and detailed explanations of curriculum as well as free samples for you to review!

5. Visit the Homeschool Legal Defense Association

We encourage you to visit the website where you can read their information regarding home education and the law. Another great resource for beginners!

6. Request membership to LCHE if it's a good fit for your family

Please review our By-Laws and come visit some of our homeschool families at our weekly Park Time. Email Us for more information.